The Bedford Book of Genres is full of helpful tips that assist me as I approach the future writing projects. I don’t often enjoy writing, so I appreciate learning about ways to specifically help me improve with my current writing assignments. Chapter 9 focused on revising and remixing work. It helped me look at ways to correct my writing though observation and peer review. The book mentions that it is always important to revise writing because your first draft usually is just made to get your ideas down onto the page. There will usually be some something worth fixing. What I enjoyed about chapter 9 is that it includes an example of a revised piece of writing, which can act as a guide for me when I revise my work. Revising one’s work is crucial because it can significantly improve your writing. I also liked how chapter nine mentions peer reviewing. Often times, I feel that it is beneficial to peer review because sometimes the writer might overlook something, and other people can also generate new ideas. The book also includes a helpful checklist that can be answered by peer reviewers to get a feel for their impression of your writing. I now feel that the structure in my future writing will be much better after I revise it.