I believe that Lamott’s piece advertises good advice to all writers of any nature. She emphasizes that it is important to write anything down and worry about fixing it later. I found it funny how she described her fears about someone finding her first drafts. I can relate because often times I hate people reading my writing, even when it’s the “final draft”. I also feel like she makes a good point in saying how by writing everything down, something great will come out of it. By letting your mind take control and typing your thoughts, something very fascinating could be the result. Lamott's writing also reassured me that no one is the "perfect writer". All writers go through numerous drafts until their writing is perfect. I was glad to hear that even professional writers struggle with writing sometimes. Furthermore, I really enjoyed how we got to practice this exercise in class. By practicing it in class, I was able to better understand the author’s piece. Additionally, a lot of times, teachers and professors will say to do something a certain way, but never show through example. Personally, I try to be really organized and I appreciate order when I’m trying to write. On my own, I would never try to do a first draft where I write down everything I’m thinking because it seems so disorganized. But after reading Lamott’s piece and trying it in class, I think it may be a promising idea to try for my future writings.